Global Warming(a sign of danger)

Global warming refers to an increase in the Earth’s average surface air temperature. Global warming and cooling in themselves are not necessarily bad, since the Earth has gone through cycles of temperature change many times in its 4.5 billion years. However, as used today, global warming usually means a fast, unnatural increase that is enough to cause the expected climate conditions to change rapidly and often cataclysmically.


 While some would call global warming a theory, others would call it a proven set of facts. Opinions differ vehemently. Let us consider global warming to be a both a premise that the environment of the world as we know it is slowly, but very surely increasing in overall air and water temperature, and a promise that if whatever is causing this trend is not interrupted or challenged life on earth will dynamically be affected.

The primary cause of global warming is Carbon Dioxide emissions. CO2 is being pumped into our atmosphere at an insane pace; 8 billion tons of CO2 entered the air last year. Of course some of this is due to natural activity such as volcanic eruptions and people breathing. But the Earth is equipped to easily absorb those into the normal regenerative process. No, the beginning of global warming was caused by fossil fuels being burned and emitting plenty of CO2.


Currently in the world 40% of all CO2 emissions are caused by power plants. These are burning coal, natural gas and diesel fuel. Some power plants burn garbage. Some burn methane made from garbage. And discounting those super green electrical generating plants designed to issue negligible pollutants, all of our power plants let loose into the atmosphere CO2.

33% of all the CO2 sent forth is the product of cars and trucks. Internal combustion engines burning fossil fuels…gasoline and diesel spew forth a retching amount of CO2.

3.5% of all CO2 emissions are released from aircraft traveling our friendly skies. Unfortunately, jets and other aircraft deliver their payload of pollutants directly into the troposphere.

Global warming, or climate change, is a subject that shows no sign of cooling down.

Earth is already showing many signs of worldwide climate change.

• Average temperatures have climbed 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 degree Celsius) around the world since 1880, much of this in recent decades, according to NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

• The rate of warming is increasing. The 20th century’s last two decades were the hottest in 400 years and possibly the warmest for several millennia, according to a number of climate studies. And the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports that 11 of the past 12 years are among the dozen warmest since 1850.

• The Arctic is feeling the effects the most. Average temperatures in Alaska, western Canada, and eastern Russia have risen at twice the global average, according to the multinational Arctic Climate Impact Assessment report compiled between 2000 and 2004.

• Arctic ice is rapidly disappearing, and the region may have its first completely ice-free summer by 2040 or earlier. Polar bears and indigenous cultures are already suffering from the sea-ice loss.

• Glaciers and mountain snows are rapidly melting—for example, now has only 27 glaciers, versus 150 in 1910. In the Northern Hemisphere, thaws also come a week earlier in spring and freezes begin a week later.

• Coral reefs, which are highly sensitive to small changes in water temperature, suffered the with some areas seeing bleach rates of 70 percent. Experts expect these sorts of events to increase in frequency and intensity in the next 50 years as sea temperatures rise.

• An upsurge in the amount of extreme weather events, such as is also attributed in part to climate change by some experts.

To save our Earth from the adverse effects of Global Warming-

1.Automobiles stay ahead of everything in the emission of carbon, so as for as possible try to avoid using your automobile for short distances.

2.Instead of everybody using their own vehicle if some of you are working in the same area and living in the same area you can share one vehicle.

3.Now everything can be done through net instead of going to the banks, stations, markets and etc you can do the same by sitting at your home in front of your system.

4. You can reduce the usage of your refrigerator, If you think that how much my refrigerator is going stand as a cause, don’t see as one refrigerator of your home count the no of refrigerators around the world in each home and shops, Hotels etc,.

5.Start using the recycle base articles, change from plastic to paper.

6.We can change ourselves to use cotton cloths than silk rayon cloths.

7.As much as possible use cotton bags or paper bags than plastic bags.

8.Instead of searching for a solution how to destroy the used batteries, start using rechargeable batteries.

9.The waste water that is been let out in the process of leather tanning process spoils the soil and its fertility either we should reuse the water through water treatment plants or we should avoid using leather articles.

10.Let us avoid use and throw articles in our daily uses because almost 90 percent of these kind of articles are being made of plastics.

11.Let us grow at least a tree in every house.

12.To stop the forests getting destroyed, the heart of mother nature you can simply avoid using wooden articles.

13. Attend all your vehicles schedule check ups without fail, to Keep your vehicles in good condition and intact .

14.Give special attention to the carburetor, and silencer of your vehicle.

15.Scientists say even the chemicals used for domestic cleaning also destroys the atmosphere since use soda, lemon and vinegar instead of the chemicals.